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EquineRepro@yahoogroups.com List Rules

Version: 08/30/07

When the List was first started, the rules were few and basic. Because there are now over 3,300 members, more rules have been added in order to keep the list a useful resource for breeders. It is important for you to understand that this list is strictly moderated. The rules that appear below are enforced. This may sound unpleasant, which is an unfortunate misrepresentation, as this is a remarkably friendly and informative list and has always been that way - something that is sadly often lacking on the Internet these days - and that is in large part due to the adherence of members to these list rules!

In order to post messages to the list, one should address e-mails to EquineRepro@yahoogroups.com but before doing that, please read the rest of the list rules that appear below!


1. No off topic discussion! All topics for discussion must be specifically equine reproduction related. This is strictly enforced and blatant disregard of this rule will result in immediate placement of the poster on suspended status without warning!!

Deciding what subjects are suitable can sometimes be difficult and we understand this. If an off topic subject comes up, one of the moderators will usually step in and declare it as such. Topics such as nutrition, lameness, genetics (especially coat colour), and the discussion of veterinarians (specific or generalized) are not considered to be equine reproduction related, but may be suitable for other lists such as HorseBreeding@yahoogroups.com (which was started to specifically deal with topics that came up on this list but were declared to be unsuitable). You can subscribe to that list by sending an e-mail to HorseBreeding-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Additionally, although foaling is of course equine reproduction related, there tends to be a lot of repetitive "chat" appearing from those that have long nights waiting for foals to arrive which is not really suitable for this list, so Foalwatch@yahoogroups.com (subscribe at Foalwatch-subscribe@yahoogroups.com) is also recommended to while away those waiting hours!
If you have any doubts as to whether a post is suitable for the list, please review the page on this site entitled "Is it suitable?". If you still have doubts about suitability, please contact the moderators for guidance.
2. If you are unsure whether a topic has been discussed before, first check the archives at http://groups.yahoo.com/messages/EquineRepro/ (there is a search-engine in the upper right portion of the page that will allow you to search for a keyword(s) and will show messages that contain it/them), and also check the list of Frequently Asked Questions that is presented on this site. This is particularly important for newer members, as if the question was only recently discussed, you may not get a good response in answer to your question, which would be unfortunate. Make sure that you go back in the archive further than the first page of results by clicking on the "Next" link - there are over 42,000 messages in the archive to search! You can also go to the website http://www.equine-reproduction.com and search that site for further information.

3. Do not use the list to "chat"! Posts that are not going to add to the subject under discussion and that are "chatty" are NOT PERMITTED. If you want to share a personal experience (not related to a topic under discussion) please address the post to the other interested party, not to the list.

4. Do not include the entire message you are responding to in your reply. Copy and paste only the sections that apply. An occasional slip-up is perfectly understandable, but regularly failing to do this will result in a warning and possibly having your posting privileges restricted.

5. Advertising of horses for sale, stallions at stud, or ANY products is NOT PERMITTED!!! This list is an equine reproduction discussion list and we wish to keep it that way! Advertising will result in immediate modification of your posting privileges. Repeated references in the message portion of the e-mail to stallions or products in which the poster has a business interest and in a manner gratuitous to the actual content of the post, will be considered advertising.

In the event that it appears that an individual has joined the list with the intent of forwarding mass mailings, copies of mass mailings, advertising, and/or any other publicity or promotional material, or material of an objectionable nature, the sender will be immediately placed on suspended status and their e-mail and ISP servers may be notified, as may the Yahoo Groups management, with the express intention of having their overall access and Internet Service Provider privileges revoked (please be advised that this applies to all persons or groups, including, but not limited to animal rights activist groups). Solitary postings of this nature will be taken as prima facie evidence of future intent and similar action may be taken.

6. No flame wars. You can disagree without flaming one another. This list will NOT be ruined because members cannot control themselves! We've all participated in lists that have had too many members unsubscribe because of flame wars. This will not happen on EquineRepro@yahoogroups.com!

7: Up to four lines of "signature" at the foot of an e-mail are permissible. If you have more than that you will be requested to remove it. If you normally have a longer signature line, please make sure that you have the settings in your e-mail program set to NOT attach the signature line to posts to the list. The reason for this restriction is that it makes the "digest" form of the list extremely unwieldy if there are large numbers of long signature lines.

8. If you subscribe in "digest" form, be sure to change the heading of your e-mail if using your "reply" button when replying to a topic under discussion - digest form e-mail carries the header "Digest Number 123" which doesn't tell anyone about the content!

9: Even if you don't subscribe in "digest" form, if the subject matter of any e-mail changes, please change the subject line! This can be achieved with additional reference value by wording it something like: "Oxytocin use (was breeding Chestnut mares)". If you see that another has failed to change a header - either from the "Digest" number or to a suitable heading if the topic has changed within the post, please change it! Don't just perpetuate the confusion by sending your reply with the same wrong heading!!

10. YOU CANNOT SEND ATTACHMENTS TO THE LIST! This is to prevent the accidental transmission of viruses between subscribers - something that cannot be done via this list. Note that the forwarding of computer virus information, including warnings or notification that your computer is infected is definitely off-topic and will result in your immediate placement on suspended posting status!!

If you have files you wish to share with the list, you can upload those files into the Shared Files directory at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EquineRepro/files. If you have photos you wish to share with the list, you can upload those into the Photos directory at http://pets.ph.groups.yahoo.com/group/EquineRepro/photos (note that actually it is likely that the files section will carry a suitable location for your photo if it is reproduction oriented, as there are a variety of subject categories in there).

11: Please open messages with a "Janitorial" heading before replying to any message from the list. These Janitorial posts may be closing down a particular thread as being unsuitable or having been over-discussed, and the moderators will not take kindly to having that request apparently ignored!

12. If you find you need to change your subscription particulars (for example if you decide to change to "digest version", rather than individual e-mails) you can do this by going to your groups setting at: http://groups.yahoo.com/mygroups (you will have to log in, so have your password handy!).

13: You can also unsubscribe at http://groups.yahoo.com/mygroups if you wish, or by sending an e-mail to EquineRepro-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com. Do not send an "UNSUBSCRIBE" message to the list or the moderators! It won't get you unsubscribed, it will just get you suspended (so you will still receive mail but be unable to send to the list) - and other list members irritated!

14. If you suddenly stop receiving e-mail from the list, please go to your member profile at http://groups.yahoo.com/myprofile/ to establish whether your e-mail has been "bouncing". This is when the yahoogroups computer sends a message from the list to you, but for some reason your e-mail is returned as "undeliverable". When this occurs, the yahoogroups computer sets you to "bouncing status" and ceases to send you more e-mail from the list. It will send a periodic "probe" to see if your address has been reactivated, but all messages in the meantime will be lost and if your account continues to "bounce", the yahoogroups computer will eventually give up trying and consider your address deceased.

15. If there is something else that you want information about with regards to how the list physically operates, there is a "help" tab at the top of the page at http://groups.yahoo.com/mygroups Please check the information there before contacting the moderators, as that "help section" will usually provide an explanation as to how to perform what you want to do.

Please note that while the moderators attempt to be as understanding as possible, blatant disregard for these rules by doing such things as advertising, "flaming", posting obviously off-topic subject matter, or repeatedly not editing your replies, may result in suspension of posting privileges without warning.

Additionally, please note that the moderators work hard at maintaining this list as a pleasant and informative place to post. The suspension of posting privileges is not done lightly and without considerable forethought. In the event that you are suspended you will be notified as to the reason, and if you feel that it is not justified, you can certainly feel free to contact the moderators for further clarification or discussion. However, if that contact e-mail is rude or abusive, or if it becomes repetitious after explanations have been provided, it will not be responded to. If abusive e-mail is repeated, the sender will be banned from the list without further warning. The moderators perform their work voluntarily and are not prepared to tolerate such unpleasant behaviour.

We would ask that you bookmark this on-line version of these list rules for future reference.

If you have any concerns or comments at any time, please feel free to contact one of the moderators by sending an e-mail to EquineRepro-owner@yahoogroups.com.

Finally, thank you to all of you, the subscribers, for making this list as successful as it is! It is a privilege to be associated with this, the largest equine reproduction e-mail list in the world, and we hope that you enjoy it!


The List Moderators